Scleral lenses saved the sports career
Patient case
Lost license
After being named Rookie of the Year in 2015, the Colombian-American IndyCar driver Gabby Chaves suffered keratoconus, which led to his license being restricted at the drivers’ annual vision test. He tried to make the driving work using soft contact lenses and glasses, but none of it felt comfortable. And despite lenses and glasses, he was about to lose his license at the vision test the following year.
Finding a solution
When the IndyCar ophthalmologist expressed his concern over the situation, Chaves took matters into his own hands. He sought out an ophthalmologist who performed Corneal Cross Linking and prescribed him Onefit lenses. Now Gabby Chaves even sees better than 1.0 in both eyes and has an unlimited IndyCar license again.
Published 1 july 2023